
Mandarine Fish !

27,Apr.-30, Apr.

Diving, diving, diving ! Every day, we went for

  • 2 Sipadan dives ( about 30 minutes boat ride from Mabul)
  • 1 Mabul boat dive
  • 1 buddy dive
    We saw many interesting stuffs. Kanichi took a lot of pictures, so here they are.

my all time favorite: Porcupine fish, but be careful, this cute looking creature can bite off your finger if it wants to! Mandarin: famous for its' authentic colors. They lived in a particular coral close to the dive center. We buddy dived every day, just to get the picture of this small quick moving creature. There were about 5 or more Mandarins in one coral. They come out around sun set for matings. Don't know where they are at day time. Does any one know ? They are about 3 cm, very small. You'll be needing a good lighting system and a macro lens to get a good shot of it.
Barracuda: always beautiful, the school in Sipadan was bigger than the ones I've seen in Palau.

Bump Head Buffalo Fish: look at them ! a big school of them with their teeth showing. We saw them at the " Barracuda Point ". There's always something exciting going on at the point.

Flying Gurnard: looks scary, but an interesting specie.

Ghost Pipe fish: Oh, we were so lucky to see this one ! Can you see it's face ?

Pygmy Sea Horse: this one, too. Very lucky to see it, and so cute ! It's really tiny, like the name tells you.
Sipadan is not a big island, but you'll get to see a wide variety of animals there. One guide told us that he'd even seen a Whale Shark. Actually, when we were there, some other lucky guys had seen the Whale Shark. Whale Shark was around the " South Point", and showed up for consecutive 2 days. Hmm... we never got to see it there.
If you want to see more photos , go to Kankichi's Picasa album.
Compliments are welcomed.

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