
KK River Curise

Day 2 25, Apr.
1 full day at KK.
In the morning, we spent an hour or two, walking around the market. There was a big Spearfish in the middle of the street. I found out that this was nothing unique to KK, the very same Spearfish was in the middle of the street of Semporna. I wonder what it means...
The KK market was full of interesting stuff. Spices, fish, vegetables, not so many people though.It was a hot day, and very good day for drying fish. Hmm... do the cats happen to test the tastes of these fish before we eat ? Seemed like no one was guarding the fish.

Good for drying the fish, and so were we.... dried like a beef jerky.

Time for refreshment ! We headed back to our hotel. Massage !
We booked a package course of full body scrub and oil massage for about 1.5 hours, 496 Ringet (approx. US$ 150 ) for 2 people. Not cheap, but the room was neat, and my massage was just what I wanted, not too strong, not too weak. I'd say it was worthwhile.

Not having enough time to have our lunch, we headed to the main event in KK; the
Klias River Cruise Wildlife Excursion.
I booked it through the inter net. ( Japanese page looks fine, but the English page is too simple)

We were supposed to see a Proboscis Monkey (they are interesting looking), and Fire Flies.

We were the only participants from the Borneo.org. , so we hopped into the old van for 2 hours (!) drive.

When we finally reached the small port, it was dogs and cats. Good thing I brought my Aigle water resistant jacket. We found out that we were not the only participants. There were many people of different nationalities there.
So, we went into the river.
What's funny is that you are supposed to be in the middle of mother nature, but you get to hear typical city noise like motor bikes, and old ladies yelling. So, will there be any monkey in this river...?

Yes ! You see, I kindly circled around Proboscis Monkey, so that you don't have to put your face into the PC screen.
For divers who are used to being close to what you want to see, this river cruise wouldn't make you happy. The monkeys ( at least on the day I visited), were very far away.

What I did enjoy were the Fire Flies. I had seen Fire Flies in Japan, but only 10 or 20 of them. The Fire Flies in Borneo was bright, and with overwhelming volume. ( no photos, since it was too dark) The Fire Flies seems to like particular type of tree, and they gather in the tree, which forms a great volume of light, just like a Christmas tree. That's something worth wile to see, even if it costs 230 Ringet per person ( approx. US$ 60), and have to bear 4 hours of drive.

I slept like a baby after we got back to our hotel at 22:00 pm.
Just before I went to bed, I had placed my order for the room service, so that I don't have to miss my breakfast before we get on the plane to Tawau next morning.
Room service... I love room service ! Even if you haven't got dressed or combed your hair, you are entitled to eat ! So, here it is, me and the room service breakfast at 4:45 AM.

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